About me
I am Haiwen Huang, my Chinese name is 黄海文. I am a PhD student at University of Tübingen, co-supervised by Prof. Andreas Geiger and Dr. Dan Zhang, starting in Jan. 2022. I am also an ELLIS PhD student.
My career goal is to empower industry with AI to boost the producitivity of human society. To achieve this, we need AI systems to be trustworthy and powerful in various environments.
- To be trustworthy, the AI systems need to be able to tell when they are unreliable (OOD detection);
- To be powerful, the AI systems need to be robust to the (unseen) changes of the environments and domains (OOD generalization).
In order to achieve generalization to unseen objects and environments, a model requires additional information that is invariant across categories and domains. My PhD studies aim to explore methods for incorporating knowledge from pretrained large models to achieve out-of-distribution generalization in various tasks.
I believe that using large pretrained models will significantly reduce the cost of AI development and deployment while improving the overall well-being of the world.
Before my PhD studies, I completed my MSc in CS at University of Oxford (supervisor: Prof. Yarin Gal) and my BSc in Math at Peking University (supervisor: Prof. Bin Dong). I have also worked as a researcher for a year at Megvii (previously known as Face++), studying large-scale annotation and OoD detection methods.
My CV is here.
- University of Tübingen, Germany (Jan. 2022 - Now)
- Ph.D, Computer Science
- Advisor: Andreas Geiger and Dan Zhang
- University of Oxford, UK (Oct. 2020 - Sept. 2021)
- M.S., Computer Science (Distinction)
- Advisor: Yarin Gal
- Peking University, China (Sept. 2015 - June 2019)
- B.S., Computing Mathematics (Outstanding Graduate of Beijing)
Work experience
- Megvii Technology Inc, Beijing, China, (Feb. 2019 - Sept. 2020)
- ML Researcher, Data Research Group
- Research projects: Large-scale data annotation, out-of-distribution detection, few-shot learning
- Group leader: Xinyu Zhou
Highlighted Research
- Renovating Names in Open-Vocabulary Segmentation Benchmarks
- Haiwen Huang, Songyou Peng, Dan Zhang, Andreas Geiger
- NeurIPS 2024.
- OpenReview, Project Page
- Multimodal Dataset Upgrading: a New Challenge for Data Annotation
- Haiwen Huang, Dan Zhang, Andreas Geiger
- ICLR 2024 DPFM workshop
- Paper
- GOOD: Exploring Geometric Cues for Detecting Objects in an Open World
- Haiwen Huang, Andreas Geiger, Dan Zhang
- ICLR 2023.
- OpenReview, Code
- Decomposing Representations for Deterministic Uncertainty Estimation
- Haiwen Huang, Joost van Amersfoort, Yarin Gal
- 6th Bayesian Deep Learning workshop at NeurIPS 2021.
- Poster
- Feature Space Singularity for Out-of-distribution Detection
- Computer Vision (summer term 2023)
- Seminar: Large-scale Generative Models: Prospects and Limitations (summer term 2023)